Questions you may have before choosing an English Cocker spaniel as your choice of dog?

Now available as a children's story!
Buy the book and see if you'd like an English coker spaniel!
Are they friendly? Yes indeed, and are they affectionate? Yes for sure, and are they easy to train? Yes if you were to know-how. Are English cocker spaniels good with children? Yes, they are.
All good relationships are built on trust whether they are with humans or animals. Trust is a firm foundation on which you can begin to train your English cocker spaniel and there is much you can learn to make training fun and successful.
Choosing the breed of dog for your family has to start with asking that all-important question; what breeds are good with children?
The English Cocker spaniel comes in very highly here and that is because it is by nature a very friendly and playful dog. From personal experience, I can vouch for this and as our dog approaches his 5th birthday he remains true to the character which is friendly, affectionate, playful and good with children.
I can think of nothing more wonderful than having a dog for a friend along of course with the humankind too. Dogs of all sorts of breeds make great playmates for children especially as the children grow up and are able to go on adventures of their own with their dog.
Sometimes life gets challenging for children and the affection and unconditional love a dog can give is very comforting, helping children deal with illness and get well, bullying, to name just a few things.
English cocker spaniels love to be stroked, cuddled and played with they are also great companions on a walk.
Are children good with English cocker spaniels? This is also a great question as it’s important that children are taught how to be kind and gentle with pets. Having a dog in your home is great for children; here’s what can be learned.
- Being kind to animals
- Responsibility for something other than themselves
- Confidence with animals
- Understanding of the natural world
- Sharing and caring for others
- Gets kids outside for healthy exercise and fresh air
- Comfort and support… a dog’s unconditional love
- Working and training a dog teaches children to understand an animal at a deeper level, it is fun and skills are learnt by both parties
- A special friend, an English cocker spaniel is a jolly dog and will make children laugh
Follow Jacob an English cocker spaniel in his story, Jacob’s Magic Ears a story of adventure and fun for children aged 4-8. Learning points in this story are as follows; getting a new puppy, training and understanding a young dog, fear of dogs, tips on seaside adventures, how to be kept safe by the sea, insights into the natural world.
This story is written inspired by a real dog with flights of fantasy…literally.
In my next blog post;
Are English cocker spaniels easy to train? A little of what I’ve learned as an experienced dog owner but the first-time owner of an English cocker spaniel.
NB: All the blog posts in this series are based on my own opinions and are not meant as advice. It is always advisable to take professional advice before buying a puppy.
Jacobs Magic Ears is a perfect children’s story for children from 4-8 with short chapters that make this a very suitable children’s bedtime story.
A story for older children to read alone and all the family to share and enjoy no matter what the age, and time of year.
Children’s stories by Susan Milston, age range 5-8.
Subject areas that are covered are: Friendship, nature, seaside, countryside, adventure, magic, not giving up, courage, bravery, emotions, honesty, English, forgiveness, animals, growing up, loneliness, fun, cute, magical, change, British countryside and coast, getting a new puppy.