Bringing a new puppy into your family can be lots of fun for everyone.

Read the children's story about a young English cocker spaniel and how this puppy settled in to his new home!
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If you’re thinking about getting a new puppy for your family what better way to start the journey than reading a story to your children about a new puppy.
Children can follow Jacob an English Cocker spaniel through his first two years and discover along with him what it’s like to be a young puppy and a little of what it’s like to have a young puppy.
Jacob’s Magic Ears is a story that has quite a few learning points about dogs and puppies, including aspects that could help those children who may have some fear of dogs. It would be hard not to feel love for Jacob as he crashes and dashes through his explorations and adventures.
Magic and fantasy begin to move through the story bringing fun and adventure.
Being loved and cared for is something we all need as children and adults and in this story children will find good values that can teach them how even in a story kindness and friendship matter. Jacob is a most fortunate dog he is loved and cared for by his owners.
Jacob’s story is also about nature and Jacob is lucky enough to live in the countryside by the coast. Through the seasons the natural world changes and Jacob’s experiences do too. Living by the sea in West Wales can get very windy and stormy; all of which seem to have a strange impact on Jacob.
Jacob’s Ears children will discover are flying ears and this adds to the adventure where courage, bravery, and friendship bring this story to an exciting ending. For now, as Jacob returns in another story, keep a lookout for Jacob’s New Adventures, available on Amazon soon.
A perfect children’s story for children from 4-8 with short chapters that make this a very suitable children’s bedtime story.
A story for older children to read alone and all the family to share and enjoy no matter what the age, perhaps by a cosy fire at Christmas.
Children’s stories by Susan Milston, age range 5-8.
Subject areas that are covered are Friendship, nature, seaside, countryside, adventure, magic, not giving up, courage, bravery, emotions, honesty, English, forgiveness, good vs. evil, animals, growing up, loneliness, fun, cute, magical, change, British countryside and coast, getting a new puppy.