Taking a new perspective on life...
Change your view, change your thoughts and you can gain a new perspective.
We all get bogged down in our thinking and most of us get caught up in the reasons why we think we are bogged down, you know all that stuff out there that bothers you; and right now during our mutual experience of a pandemic it can all be overwhelming.
I personally don’t need a pandemic to become overwhelmed; which I find interesting. As I am always practicing self awareness, my thinking can’t get away with too much free time! What I have noticed is that the overwhelmed feeling comes from the same place no matter what we think the current cause is.
Let me explain, well, try anyway, ha ha. Fear is I believe the root cause and fear is a breeder and will grow with more and more fear. There you have it overwhelmed. We don’t have to get everything done or figure it all out and this thinking can make us feel overwhelmed anxious and frightened.
The picture I have included in this article was taken as I was relaxing and thinking in the garden and recognising how important it is to gain a new perspective when things feel uncomfortable or puzzling.
Nature has been and always will be a source of great comfort and inspiration to me and on this occasion as I sat I saw windows in the garden and two views, one through the flowers and then through the window in the old stone wall; I added a filter to enhance the atmosphere and interest.
A new view, a different perspective brings a little enlightenment, light, lightness of heart, mind and spirit.
Harnessing the power of our minds can produce amazing results. Creating a positive outlook no matter where we find ourselves in life or what life is challenging us with is a practice worth developing.
Looking and noticing our surroundings is a great way of training our minds to become aware and in the present moment. As I sat in the garden I saw a scene I had not seen previously, it was a different view and it inspired me to look differently at the unrest that I felt at the time and gradually a new perspective arrived. My mind was focused on something beautiful rather than my problem, a change is as good as a rest they say, giving our minds a rest is key to our happiness.
Happiness is contagious; catch it if you can folks.